Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Top Ten

And here they are. . .the top ten reason why Heidi, Gerrit, and Ginny can't wait to get back to Mamopa Court.

#1 So that they can eat more raspberries.
They had raspberries by the handful, raspberry jelly, raspberry jello, raspberry shakes, and raspberry pie.

#2 So they can be enveloped by the lush thick green trees and rolling hills.

#3 So that they can attempt more hiking.

(This is dependent on Ginny's cooperation. She didn't enjoy being in the wrap this trip.)

#4 So that they can visit more places in Washington D.C.

#5 So that Ginny can play in the flowers.

#6 So that they can get more exercise.

#7 So that they can eat the incredible food the Grannie Annie and Grandpa make with skill and love.
#8 So that lots of people can entertain Ginny.

#9 So that they can watch fireflies at dusk.
#10 So that they can be with people they love.


Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

Looks like you had a fun trip with Ginny to MD. I loved staying at your parents house. It was so nice and I loved Boring!! I'm sure Ginny did too.

Caroline said...

looks like a big adventure for Ginny. I love going to visit family. Is Ginny still sleeping well? I bet it was so fun to see Luke again!!

Leisa said...

It was so fun to see you. I'm sorry that Ringo didn't get to come and play frisbee with us, especially since he's so good at catching frisbees now.