Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mount Timpanogos

Heidi, Laura, and I started out early.
Our spirits were high as we walked through waterfalls, snow, and endless wildflowers.Our goal was to get to the summit.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of being on top of the world! (Honestly. . . I was a bit shaky. . .)Feeling accomplished, but not yet finished, we headed on the rocky ridge to the glacier.Once we saw it, we realized why everyone else had turned around at the summit or saddle. It looked impossibly scary. But in our minds, it was what we had to do. I ran down the dirt until I felt save enough to cross onto the snow.
This is Laura going down. Heidi is standing in front of a big rock that she doesn't want Laura to run into. I'm not sure who was more scared: Laura or Heidi watching her.

We all survived, with a few bumps and numb extremities.
Feeling exhilarated and lucky to be in one piece, we didn't clearly think through how to best get back to our trail to head home. We took a downward detour to see more lovely flowers and mountain goats.
Unfortunately for us; we had to hike back up to Emerald Lake and then up some more and around before we finally got back on the long trail to take us down the mountain.
Despite the feeling of wanting to run down the mountain, sightings of these creatures kept us cautious and singing shamelessly the whole way down.Our caution did pay off when we were suddenly sharing the trail with a great big male sporting huge antlers and less than the length of a 25 meter swimming pool away.

Needless to say, making it back to the car felt. . .GOOD!

Labor Day

We went to our favorite family place: Memory Grove! The water was still plenty deep for jumping and swimming and the dirt was perfect for rolling.

When Ginny heard the weather report she changed into her favorite outfit.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to School

School is back in full swing. It keeps us all busy and on our toes. All 29 kids are doing great. . .and so is 1/2 of their teachers. . .who will have a chance to breathe since there is no school tomorrow!